Monday, December 29, 2014

Incredible sources of alternative energy that you have never thought about

When they talk about alternative energy, people usually talk about solar, wind and geothermal energy. But there are so many options that we have not thought about. 

Saltwater energy - The energy that is released through the osmotic principle when fresh water is mixed with salty water in the estuaries where rivers go into the sea. 

Helioculture - Bacteria can directly produce fuel from sun, carbon dioxide and water. The resulting fuel in form of methanol or ethanol does not need to be refined. 

Piezoelectricity - It is well known that motion can directly be converted into electricity through piezoelectric effect. This means that in the future, everything that moves, including people, could generate electricity and store it in batteries. You could imagine piezoelectric walkways in busy cities that will generate enough electricity for the surrounding buildings. 

Vibrations - Vibrations that are produced by traffic, sound and other sources can be caught and used to produce energy. 

Ocean thermal conversion - It is well known that the difference in temperature in the depths of the oceans is lower than that on the surface. This could easily be used to generate energy by thermal conversion. 

Human sewage - Although it seems a very stinky way to generate powers, there are many methods that involve power generated from human sewage. This involves indirect power conversion from methane that is generated during degradation of feces and urine or the biocells that are able to directly generate electricity. 


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