Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Night vision eye drops future technology could make give people night vision without any gadgets

Night vision eye drops sound like science fiction, but biohackers have actually managed to make the first steps in development of these eye drops. Night vision eye drops are based on the chemical called chlorin e6 that is found is some species of deep sea fish. Chlorin e6 was mixed with insulin and saline solution and added to conjunctival sack. The eye drops were tested on a  volunteer who was able to see in complete darkness to the distances of  up to 50 meters. The volunteers vision returned to normal in the morning and there were no side effects after 20 days. This future technology still needs development and testing, but it is certainly a promising method that eases the night vision and it can be utilized for various applications. 


Perovskite photovoltaic cells could be manufactured cheaper by using spray-on technology

Researchers have developed a special spray on manufacturing process that can significantly lower the costs of production of perovskite solar cells. A thin layer of perovskite absorber is sprayed on the surface to create light absorbing layer. The efficiency of the produced solar cells is only about 11 percent, but the costs of production are relatively low. This system could be easily used for large scale production of low cost solar cells. Considering the fact that the silicone based photovoltaic cells manufacturing is high energy consuming and expensive, perovskites will certainly find their way to the market. The most efficient perovskite solar panels could have efficiency of up to 19 percent, but there will certainly be more development in the future. 



Monday, March 30, 2015

Perovskite Solar Cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perovskite is a calcium titanium oxide mineral. This mineral especially gained fame because of its properties that make it perfect for solar cells. A perovskite solar cell is a hybrid made by combination of perovskite absorber and tin or lead based organic halide material that is performing as an active layer. Perovskite solar cells are still in development, but their solar conversion efficiency is increasing rapidly. From the beginning efficiency of 3%, the efficiency increased to more than 20%. Scientists are rapidly developing new methods to increase the efficiency of perovskite solar cells and the results are already visible. In the future, we could expect that perovskites will replace many of the traditional photovoltaic solar cells. 



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

In Future, Underground Solar Cells Powered by Optic Fibers will Become Reality

Instead of putting solar cells on roofs and buildings, it would be much more convenient to put them underground. The scientists are working on new methods to convert solar power in underground capsules. The optic fiber cables could be placed on roofs and other parts of the buildings and then light could be transported to the underground capsules where it could be converted to electricity. This technology offers many advantages because regular solar panels ruin the aesthetics of the building. If the solar cells are placed underground, they can last longer. Although the efficiency of these solar cells is lower than for the traditional ones, they are cheaper to make. Although this technology is still in development, there will be many possibilities for its application in the future. 


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Flywheels Bring Hope for Easy Storage of Wind Energy

The technology behind flywheels is quite old, but the recent developments have made it suitable for usage in wind power storage. The main principle of flywheels is simple, the heavy wheels require large amounts of energy to start and according to the momentum principle, they also need a long time to stop. That means that they can store energy during peak seasons and slowly release energy during low season. This principle is perfect for wind power storage. The first flywheel wind power plants are already in operation and development in  Stephentown, New York and Pennsylvania. Although the technology requires some time for optimization of performance and development of energy production, it will certainly live on and be utilized in various wind power facilities.

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Wind Energy could be stored in Huge Underground Salt Caverns and released during low seasons

Wind turbines encounter difficulties during the energy production because there are fluctuations in wind speed during different seasons. The main problem is that the peak seasons in energy production are not the same as the peak seasons for energy consumption. Therefore, it is wise to store the energy for later use. Engineers in Utah are working on a huge project that will make the storage of wind energy easy. They are going to adapt the old salt mine caverns and store the compressed air in them. The principle is easy, wind turbines will generate electricity for the air compressors that will send air to the caverns during the high seasons. The compressed air will be released during the low seasons, when the wind speed is not high enough and the electricity will be generated by the compressed air. Although there were similar projects in Alabama and Germany, the size of the current project in Utah is enormous. Storing air is much cheaper and more convenient than storing energy in the batteries. Therefore, this technology is very promising. 


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Synthetic Biology will Supply the Future Missions to Mars

The problems to Mars missions and colonization are closely related to the great distances between Mars and Earth. The problems of supplying the mission during the long distance journey are hard to solve. The scientists are trying to solve this problem by developing synthetic fuel, materials and food. Synthetic fuel could be produced by turning carbon dioxide into methane. Food could be produced by microbiological farming and minerals could be used for materials for 3D printing. By using these technologies, the necessary fuel and food load could be decreased by 50 percent. Although these technologies are still in development, the first testing could be used for a Moon base, before missions to Mars. 

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Nearly 'Invisible' solar panels will be integrated in future buildings

Solar panels are ruining aesthetics of many buildings and there are many researches that are trying to create the solar panels that are nearly invisible since they blend in with the buildings. The traditional photovoltaic solar panels are not decorative and they have visible cables, frames, mounting poles and other accessories. The main idea is to create the solar panels that have other color than the traditional black and blue photovotaic cells. The main problem is the fact that white and other bright colors are reflecting the solar radiation instead of absorbing it. Therefore it was impossible to use white panels. To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop solar panels that are using the infrared solar spectrum. The scientists have created the solar cells that are effectively using the infrared spectrum. The silicone based solar cells are blended into the panels. Because of the fact that these panels use only infrared light, they can operate at lower temperatures than the traditional solar cells. Nearly invisible solar panels will surely find their application in buildings, cars, personal electronics and other equipment. Some time is needed to implement the technology to practice, but the first results will surely be visible in the near future. 

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Monday, March 16, 2015

In the Future, Spray-on Transparent Solar Nano Cells will become reality

If you want to make any surface into a solar cell, you could just use a solar spray. This technology is still in development, but the main principle is based on organic solar nano cells that are so small that they can be sprayed on any surface, including glass, plastic, paper, wood or any other material. This easy technique will certainly lower the costs for production of solar panels as any structures could be easily sprayed with solar nano cells and they will become solar panels. You could imagine roofs or whole houses sprayed with nano solar cells. This would easily make a house completely energy independent with high yield solar power cells with large surface. Beside being efficient, this technology would also be environmentally friendly as there is no need to produce separate solar panels and then replace them after they wear off. You just spray the nano cells and repair the old solar cells. Ultrathin film of hydrogen carbon materials that is 1000 times thinner than the human hair could easily be sprayed on any surface and replace the traditional solar panels. The technology is still in development, but the first applications on lab scale have been tested. 

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

In the Future Body Heat will be used to produce electricity that can charge cell phones and other devices

Human body produces large quantities of heat that are released in the environment. The main question is if it is possible to use this heat to generate electricity and charge mobile phones and other gadgets. The scientists have made progress in related research by developing termoelectric technology that is based on carbon nanotubes. The main idea is to line the devices with a special nanofiber material that is able to convert heat into electricity. You could put your phone in your pocket and it will be charged by using your body heat. The other ideas for inventions based on the termoelectric principle is creating car seats lined with termoelectric materials and boost the car batteries. Chairs and sofas could also be lined with termoelectric materials and you could just sit at home and watch TV and generate electricity for your devices. Termoelectic materials that are based on carbon nanotubes are still in development, but we could certainly hope that the idea will come into practical usage. 

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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Microscopic Wind Turbines will recharge and power the future mobile phones and other gadgets

You can imagine tiny wind turbines in your phone that could power your phone on the go. The first steps in this technology have already been made with a development of a 1.8 mm wind turbine. The main idea is that you could recharge your phone just by waving it in the air or holding it next to an open window. Hundreds of micro turbines could be installed in a cell phone sleeve. This is a good idea for people who spend a lot of time outdoors and there is no opportunity to charge the phone. 

The other interesting usage of microscopic wind turbines is to create wind panels. Wind panels could be made by using thousands of micro wind turbines that could power houses or provide lighting. Wind panels could be easily mounted on the walls and other structures. 

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The future of wind energy is in Airborne high altitude wind turbines

According to the calculations, wind speed is three times higher at 2000m than at 30m of altitude. At the same time, wind power is thirty times higher at 2000m than at 30m of altitude. Concerning these calculations, the scientists agree that airborne high altitude wind turbines are the future of wind energy. Some attempts have been already made Alaska and other parts of the world. At high altitudes, constant strong winds can provide reliable energy sources.

The main concepts of airborne wind turbines include:




Tethered autogen

Read more about airborne future technologies for wind turbines here ->


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The future of solar power is in usage of Perovskites instead of Silicon in Photovoltaic solar cells

The photovoltaic solar cells that are currently used for harvesting of solar power are highly ineffective with power conversion rates that are lower than 15%. Therefore it is necessary to find the new materials for the solar cells. Silicone are widely used for solar cells, but many scientists are researching the materials that can replace silicon. Perovskites are special mineral structures, where calcium titanium trioxide is one of the most common forms. The researchers still need to solve the barriers that are caused by high costs of perovskites comparing to silicone. The first perovskite solar cells have already reached 16 percent efficiency and there are predictions that they will reach more than 50 percent efficiency in the future. 

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Monday, March 2, 2015

In the Future Force Field Could Replace Windshield Wipers - first applications are in development

Windshield wipers are highly ineffective in many cases and they wear off with time. Therefore, the scientists have developed an advanced force field system that can effectively remove all the water, debris, snow or ice from the windshield, making it clear and increasing visibility. This technology was at first developed for fighter jets, but it can also be used for cars. An ultrasonic transducer sends waves of ultrasound that removes all of the debris from the windshield. 

This technology could significantly improve the traffic safety, especially during bad weather conditions. 

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Skin implants will replace passwords in the future - the first successful implementation of new technology

In the future a tiny implant the size of a grain of rice could replace all of your keys, passwords, id and other documents. The first successful usage of a tiny skin implant was recently tested in Cancun. The near field communication chip implanted in a hand could successfully replace the car keys, proximity cards, digital passwords and other electronic barriers. The tiny implant is equipped with a battery that is in a dormant state until it is used. This makes it possible to use the implant for a long period of time without a need for replacement of the battery. 

Several questions still arise about the safety of the implants and protection of the data that is stored in them. The high level encryption methods are necessary for their usage and protection of the data. However, this technology will certainly make the life easier by eliminating the need for passwords, keys and other documents.  

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