Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The future walkways will power the cities of tomorrow

You can imagine big cities where millions of people fill the sidewalk in the busy hours. It would be great if the power of walking could be transformed to electricity or heat and used in the nearby buildings. Some of the initial steps have been in made in this direction. 

Piezoelectric effect could be used to generate the electricity from the vibrations that are created by walking. Considering the fact that there will be rapid improvements in this field, we could surely expect that the future sidewalks will be equipped with piezoelectric cells. 

Thermal power could be generated by walking. This technology is already employed in Sweden. The vibrations that are caused by walking can power the heat pump and heat the nearby buildings. 

Kinetic clothes and shoes will have increased popularity in the future. Specially designed shoes will be able to create electricity that could be used to charge mobile phones and other gadgets. 

Self-cleaning sidewalks will be used to absorb the air pollution. Special titanium dioxide nano-particles could be incorporated in the sidewalks and absorb the dangerous gasses, particularly nitrogen oxides. 



Monday, December 29, 2014

Incredible sources of alternative energy that you have never thought about

When they talk about alternative energy, people usually talk about solar, wind and geothermal energy. But there are so many options that we have not thought about. 

Saltwater energy - The energy that is released through the osmotic principle when fresh water is mixed with salty water in the estuaries where rivers go into the sea. 

Helioculture - Bacteria can directly produce fuel from sun, carbon dioxide and water. The resulting fuel in form of methanol or ethanol does not need to be refined. 

Piezoelectricity - It is well known that motion can directly be converted into electricity through piezoelectric effect. This means that in the future, everything that moves, including people, could generate electricity and store it in batteries. You could imagine piezoelectric walkways in busy cities that will generate enough electricity for the surrounding buildings. 

Vibrations - Vibrations that are produced by traffic, sound and other sources can be caught and used to produce energy. 

Ocean thermal conversion - It is well known that the difference in temperature in the depths of the oceans is lower than that on the surface. This could easily be used to generate energy by thermal conversion. 

Human sewage - Although it seems a very stinky way to generate powers, there are many methods that involve power generated from human sewage. This involves indirect power conversion from methane that is generated during degradation of feces and urine or the biocells that are able to directly generate electricity. 



The future technologies and innovations that will improve harvesting of wind power

Since there are many flaws in the existing wind power facilities, there have been many attempts to improve the wind turbines and their output. Some of the future technologies include improved wind turbine designs, improved power storage or interesting concepts that will alleviate the difficulties of existing wind power plants. In the future, wind turbines will be airborne, bladeless, they will be able to use the power of low speed winds and they will be quiet. Many interesting concepts have been developed to increase the ability to store energy in low seasons. The artificial islands could be used to provide accumulation storage of seawater that is pumped during high seasons and used to generate electricity during low seasons. Some attempts have been made to use the off-shore wind turbines to grow seaweed and fish. There will certainly be more innovations that will give wind power a momentum and make it one of the most important energy sources in the future. 

Find out more about the future technologies in wind power:


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Future transparent solar panels will replace glass windows and provide energy for buildings

You could imagine how nice would be if all of your windows could catch the energy of sun and convert it to the electricity. This technology will soon become a reality with development of transparent solar panels. The organic molecules in the transparent panels will absorb infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Those organic molecules will then move to the edge of the panels where there are photovoltaic cells that are used to produce electricity. The main obstacle in this research is the level of opacity of the panels. Considering the fact that completely transparent solar panels are still ineffective, while opaque panels have similar effectiveness as the traditional silicon panels. The researchers are still working on the increase of the effectiveness of transparent panels, while opaque panels should still be interested for big skyscrapers and other buildings that are completely covered by glass windows. Enormous levels of energy could be obtained without sacrificing the aesthetic appearance of the buildings. 

Source ->

Making solar panels from recycled old car batteries could save materials and protect environment

Millions of old lead car batteries are disposed or recycled all over the world. The newly developed organolead halide perovskite solar cells have nearly the same efficiency as the silicon based photo cells. In the future, lead from the old car batteries could be easily used for production of solar panels with extremely thin film of organolead halide perovskite. Lead for one car battery could be used to produce enough solar panels for 30 households. Since the market for lead based car batteries will surely decline in the future, their recycling into solar panels is a wise solution for future applications. Lead will be fully encapsulated in special solar panels and it will not pose any threat to the environment. The new solar cells are extremely durable and could last for decades without any need to be replaced. 

Read more in this article ->

Monday, December 22, 2014

Wacky and Funny Wind Turbine Designs

Wind turbines need to undergo revolution in order to increase their effectiveness. Many of the new turbine designs could be called wacky or funny because of their unusual shape. Some of the new turbine designs include airborne, underwater turbine, jet engine style, diffuser, electrostatic wind energy convertor and so on. Although these designs are still in the development phase, they will certainly be used more often in the future, since they are more friendly to the bird and bet population, more effective and cheaper than the traditional blade turbines. However, there is still much place for improvement. 

Here are two articles about wacky and funny wind turbine designs ->

The future solar cells will be based on Thermo-Chemical Solar principle

The future solar technology that is based on thermo-chemical principle could significantly enhance the harvesting of solar power. Researchers at MIT have recently made a breakthrough in this technology. The traditional solar panels don't convert the heat that is generated in the panels and much of the energy is wasted. The thermo-chemical solar panels are based on a principle that energy can be stored in a form of heat that is used to transform chemicals in the panels. The heat can be released later and used to produce electricity or heat homes. Fulvalene diruthenium is one of the materials that could be used to effectively store heat that is generated by the sun and release it when it is needed.  Researchers are still trying to find more materials and catalysts that can be used to effectively and slowly release heat energy that is stored in the chemicals. 

The promising new technology could could certainly open new horizons for harvesting of solar power during summer and using it for heating during winter. The thermo-solar plants could also be effectively used to replace the coal and natural gas power plants. 

More information in the following article->


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Microscopic and printable solar cells will soon be a reality

Researches at Sandia laboratories have created tiny solar cells that could easily replace the standard multi-cristalline Silicon cells. Based on the material consumption and production costs, these tiny solar cells could be up to 100 times more effective than the traditional ones. Another great advantage of these tiny cells is that they could be suspended in ink and printed on different materials. The cells are made in hexagonal shape and their thickness is only 20 microns. This offers new paths for development of flexible solar panels, solar paint that could be applied on different materials and objects and many other solutions that will lead to a revolution in solar power. In the future, tiny solar cells could be installed in most of the objects that we use every day, such as mobile phones, gadgets and even clothes. 

Solar panels 

More info in this article ->

The largest wind turbine in the world

The wind power is gaining a momentum as the wind turbines become bigger and bigger. Big wind turbines have greater performance than many small wind turbines. The quantity of energy that is generated by the turbines grows exponentially with the increased size of rotors. In future, we can expect gigantic wind turbines that will generate huge quantities of energy. The building of these massive structures is a huge feat that demands a lot of knowledge and investments. These turbines are especially suitable for the off-shore usage. The future technologies will offer new solutions for bigger turbines.

Here is the link with more information ->

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Nano-materials will boost solar power in thermophotovoltaic solar cells

The classic silicon based photovoltaic solar cells are ineffective because they do not catch a large part of solar irradiation that is located in infrared range. The infrared irradiation of the Sun passes through the classical photo cells and it is wasted. The new nano-materials based on tungsten and hafnium-dioxide are offering solutions for extremely effective thermophotovoltaic solar cells. The tungsten structures can be coated in nanolayer on the hafnium-dioxide, which significantly increases the durability and thermal resistance of solar cells. The new solar cells were able to work on temperatures as high as 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. The tungsten structure absorbed the heat from light and it was converted to electricity by thermophotovoltaic principle. Nanotechnology offers highly effective solar photo cells in this case and the output could be increased to up to 80% because the infrared part of the solar power is successfully used. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bladeless Bird-Friendly Wind Turbine might be a solution to environmental controversies about wind power

Many of the environmentalists are concerned about the impact of wind turbines on local bird population. Therefore it would be wise to redesign the wind turbines in order to make them more bird friendly. Although there have been many attempts to create the bladeless wind turbines, the results are still uncertain because there is not enough experience in practice. The main idea is to hide the turbines inside the casing or use the wind pressure to move the disks. Certainly there is much chance for improvements and new designs. If the wind turbines meed the necessary environmental standards and they do not produce any noise or pose threat to the local animal population, they could be easily used everywhere, even in the urban areas. 

Wind turbines

Here are some of the articles that give new ideas and designs->

89-Year-Old Man Develops Bladeless Bird-Friendly Wind Turbine!


Nanotechnology will improve harvesting of solar and wind power

Solar and wind power have disadvantages because they are reliable on energy sources that are fluctuating and unstable. During different seasons, the output is unstable and there is a big need to store the energy for later usage. The most common way of storing energy in wind and solar power plants is by using lead, Limh, Nimh and other types of rechargeable batteries. The cost of these batteries is too high, they are polluting the environment and the number of their life cycles is limited. The scientists have proposed the new solutions for these problems. The solutions lie in nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is used to produce high quality copper indium gallium selenide thin films that are installed in high-efficiency batteries. The batteries that are based on nanotechnology will be perfect for usage in solar and wind power plants. This way it will be possible to overcome the current limitations of renewable energy sources. The powerful and durable batteries that are based on nanotechnology will store the energy during the peak seasons and release the energy during lower seasons. The continuous output from renewable energy power plants will satisfy the power needs of city grids. 

Solar panel 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Stay organic and avoid unhealthy food

Much of the food that is available in the supermarkets is unhealthy because it contains too much additives and chemicals that are not good for our body. Therefore, the modern trends involve organic products that do not contain any unhealthy additives. Although the chemicals, additives and colorants can make food look nice and taste great, we should think more about our health. If the food looks beautiful, it does not mean that it is good for our health. The organic products tend to alleviate the hazardous influence of unhealthy food. The organic farms are designed to live in harmony with nature, without any usage of pesticides, fertilizers and other hazardous chemicals. On the contrary, they use natural ways of pest control and natural fertilizers. The selection of the plants is based on the particular regions where food is produced. Therefore, it is always wise to use the plants that are specially adjusted for the regional climate. This way the production output can be satisfactory without usage of any harmful chemicals. 

Bring back the balance to the nature – use fewer resources and recycle more often

We have disturbed the fragile balance of natural resources and now we need to find the new solutions to alleviate the consequences. Although we think it is difficult to save the resources, such as water, energy, paper, metals and so on, the truth is that we can make a big difference by changing our life style. Recycling should come into our habit. Most of the garbage that we produce during a day could be successfully recycled, if we have the necessary containers. The waste baskets can be organized and labeled in a way that makes it easy to separate the disposed materials. The other important point is to save the resources. For example, it is not very difficult to save water. We waste too much water just because our toilets are not adjusted to water saving mode. Every time we flush the toilet, we could save at least 50% of water. When we take a shower instead of sitting in a bath tub, we could save large amount of water. These are all simple things that everybody can do. Water can also be recycled in household by installing the necessary plumbing. 

Clouds, hills and stones

Stay green and stay clean with renewable energy

The pollution and resource consumption control is making renewable energy a plausible option for the future technological solutions. Fossil fuels, such as oil, coal and natural gas are going to lose their primacy on the market. The fluctuating market demands new solutions that will enhance the existing green plants and make them highly efficient and economically independent. Nowadays, renewable energy is still out of reach for many countries. The main reason is the lower price of electricity from coal plants and nuclear plants. This situation will surely change, since there is much pressure on reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into nature. In the near future, many of the old coal power plants will become obsolete because they are polluting our environment. Then there will be more space for wind, solar and geothermal plants. The future generations will stay green and stay clean, since there will be much less emissions of carbon dioxide. 

Wind turbine 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Recycling of home waste brings us closer to harmonious relationship with nature

Our old habits are often governing our way of thinking. We still do not know how to recycle and reuse our waste. Sometimes we are too busy or too lazy to do anything new. But the truth is that recycling is not as difficult as you think. Everybody can easily recycle most of the household waste. The first step is separation of waste. If you have many small waste baskets with big labels for different types of waste, you will certainly use them to separate your waste. You should locate different waste baskets in the kitchen, living room and bedroom. Much of the garbage that you produce could be reused to make useful things. You could use bottles to make furniture. You could use paper to make boxes. You could make isolation material from cardboard, plastic bags and paper strips. Your waste could isolate your walls and keep the heat inside. This way, you could save money on heating. It is easy to live in harmony with the nature every day. 


Construction heavy machinery requires LED headlights for better performance

Construction machinery needs to be robust and strong in order to perform all of the difficult tasks. In many cases there is too much pressure on the headlights because the construction machinery needs to be employed in harsh terrains. Incandescent and fluorescent lights are too fragile for application in excavators, heavy trucks, cranes and other construction machinery. LED headlights are much better because they are completely resistant to the effects of vibrations, impacts and other mechanical and physical effects that are characteristic to heavy mechanization. Led lights last long and their performance is flawless. Besides that, LED headlights also produce white light that is pleasant to the eyes. Drivers feel safer because there is more illumination on the road. More safety brings better performance at the construction sites. 

Organic products are environmentally friendly

Organic products are friendly to the environment because they are produced without usage of pesticides, fertilizers and other harmful chemicals. We all know that there is too much food on the market that is not friendly to our body because it contains additives that are extremely harmful. Organic products are created in order to make us healthier. We could be friendly to the environment by supporting organic production. Our environment has suffered a great deal because of the fact that the traditional agriculture is using too much fertilizers and pesticides. The ground and surface water is heavily polluted because of those harmful chemicals. Now is the right time to return to the nature and to think about some new methods to protect our environment. Organic food will soon become part of our daily lives and we will have many benefits from it. 


Wind energy is everywhere; we could use it more frequently

It is well known that the wind energy exists everywhere around us. But it is still difficult to use it for production of electricity. The yearly fluctuations in wind speed and direction are very difficult to track without special equipment. Small wind generators are ineffective and the focus is on huge wind turbines. Huge wind turbines are very expensive and the investments are huge. Therefore we should catch the wind. This means that we should employ the wind turbines when there is enough wind and store the electricity in batteries. Everyone can easily make a wind turbine at home from planks, car dynamo and accumulator. You still need an anemometers and a wind vane to measure the wind speed and direction. When the wind speed is high enough, your wind turbine is ready to use. You could become independent from the main power source. 

Wind turbines

Instead of petrol and oil we could use biomass

Nowadays petrol and oil is used as fuel for most of the vehicles. This could easily change in near future. The reasons are simple, oil is becoming more and more scarce and difficult to obtain. The other reasons are related to the environmental issues as petrol is not friendly to the environment. Carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides and other dangerous gasses are produced in vehicle exhausts. It is necessary to reduce these emissions. Therefore it is smart to use biomass to produce fuel for the future vehicles. Biomass is a term that is used to explain the resources that are obtained from the nature, plants and animals. Some of the useful biomass can be obtained from wood, sugar cane, straw, grass and other plants. Biomass can be used to produce methanol and ethanol that can be easily used as fuel in vehicles. This could be a good solution to replace oil and petrol and create less pollution. 

Big smokestacks 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Renewable resources and renewable energy for the future

In the future, technologies will definitely incorporated usage of renewable resources and energy. The main reason for this is the fact that the resources are becoming scarce all over the world. People should learn how to save resources and not waste them. The homes can be remodeled in a way that permits them to use the renewable energy. Houses could have solar panels, wind turbines and geothermal pumps. This will enable the household owners to save money and be friendly to the environment. Most of the people are not aware of the new technologies that can change the energy usage. Therefore, it is necessary to try those new technologies and new appliances. The waste that we are producing could be easily recycled or used to make furniture or other things that are normally used at home. 

Sun clouds and hill 

Our environment is a fragile system that requires our attention

We have damaged our environment in many aspects and the consequences are devastating. Now is the time for us to think about the ways to alleviate the damage that has been done. The devastating effects to our environment are directly connected to our lifestyle that involves consumption of many unnecessary products and packaging. We strive for decorative packaging solutions where everything is wrapped into something. Is that really necessary? We bring our own boxes to the shops and buy products directly without the packaging. The other important problem is the consumption of detergents, cosmetics and cleaning agents. Sometimes we really consume too much of those products, although that is not necessary. We could also think about our energy consumption at home. We could certainly decrease the energy consumption by using more efficient appliances. Everything we do changes the environment. We should change our lifestyles and we will be able to reverse the devastating effects on our environment. 
Trees next to the road 

Organic products bring healthy future for our children

There are many disputes on the quality of food that is produced by using traditional food processing methods. In many cases, there is not enough control of the end products and the regulations are not strict enough. The organic production brings many novelties that will influence revolution in food production. In order to ensure healthy future for our children, we should provide them with healthy food that is produced by natural ways, with not toxic additives and colorants. Many companies stick to the old methods and they are reluctant to change, since the market conditions are not satisfactory. But in the future, there will be more organic products everywhere and people will buy them because they known that they are healthy and safe. Our health and the health of our children is the most important thing in the world.

Yellow flowers

Sustainability and harmonious development with the nature

Many of the production processes are not sustainable because they are dependent on the resources that are not renewable. Sustainable production involves development with renewable resources and renewable energy. Most of the factories in the future will involve that practice in order to live in harmony with the nature. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to optimize the existing processes or develop new processes that are highly effective and which are consuming their own waste. Although this might be difficult at the moment, there will certainly be new technologies that will enable giant leaps in this field. For example, many of the paper and leather factories have managed to use the circular production processes that reduce the water, material and energy consumption. Cities can become sustainable by using low energy consuming appliances and highly sophisticated public transport systems. 

River and bridge 

The wind energy will gain on importance every day

The wind energy is clean and easy to use. But it is not stable and therefore there are some problems with its usage in practice. Many different regions have many different characteristics. In order to make wind energy more useful, it is very important to make necessary changes in its usage and performance. The modern wind generators use sophisticated methods to increase their performance. They utilize modern technology to reduce the downtime and increase the overall effectiveness. Sometimes the wind power is too low and it is difficult to gain enough energy. On those occasions, the wind generators can use optimization software and anemometers to successfully harvest the wind power and convert it into electricity. Wind turbines are very versatile and they can be successfully employed in various regions throughout the world. 

The revolutionary LED technology moves the boundaries of energy saving applications

Once there were inefficient lights, such as incandescent light bulbs everywhere. They consumed a lot of energy and emitted heat. Then, there were fluorescent lights. Although they were better than incandescent lights, they were too fragile and sensitive to turning on and off. Some of the later lighting variants included, high pressure sodium lamps, xenon lamps and mercury lamps. Those luminaries were too complicated, expensive and difficult to maintain. After that, the revolution with LED lights came and the things have changed drastically. There was no more need to worry about the energy efficiency, fragile structure and toxic elements inside the luminaries. LED lighting has started a revolution that moves the boundaries in lighting technologies. LEDs save energy and last extremely long. That is all that is necessary for cost effective lighting applications. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Wind energy and its rapid development all over the world

Although many investors are reluctant to invest in wind energy, it is surely gaining significant advances recently. The number of wind power generators is increasing rapidly in many regions of the world. Even those regions that are not famous by the strong wind are developing wind power. How is it possible to use wind turbines in areas where there is not enough wind? It is possible with the usage of optimization. This is why it is useful to use anemometers, sensors and specialized software to perform the necessary optimizations of wind turbines. When the wind is not strong, the wind turbines can change into special forms that enable them to harvest the wind energy in a most efficient way. We will surely witness rapid development of wind energy that will become one of the most useful energy sources in the future. 

Back to the nature - back to organic living

In nature we are supposed to live in a natural way. That means that we should avoid consuming chemicals that are normally added to food, such as colorants, additives, fillers and preservatives. These unnatural substances can directly affect the well-being of our body. Therefore, many trends in the food industry are leaning towards organic food that is produced without addition of dangerous substances. Although those production processes are expensive, the resulting products are healthy and tasty. But the main problem is high price. This might be a temporary problem that will be solved in the future. In the future there will definitely be significant decrease of price of organic products. Everyone will have benefits from going back to the natural ways of living. 

Better mining performance with LED work lights

Mining operations are very sophisticated because they involve large number of different mechanical operations. Some of those operations include crushing, grinding, drilling, digging and so on. Most of these operations produce large quantities of vibrations that can have devastating effects on most of the traditional lighting systems. Incandescent, fluorescent and xenon lights do not stand a change when faced with extreme vibrations of mining equipment. This is where the LED work lights come in handy. LED lights are completely unaffected by the vibrations and they can withstand the heavy pressure of mining equipment. They can last long during underground operations, such as drilling. They can also withstand the effects of dust, water and corrosive substances. This offers excellent performance results, since there is no downtime that could be caused by the need for exchange of the headlights in mining vehicles. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Organic living means living in harmony with nature

Living in harmony with nature is an ideal of many people around the world. Sometimes we are not sure how to reach that harmony because we are exposed to many dangerous chemicals in all kinds of products. The solution to those problems is to choose organic products. Organic products are made according to the rigorous standards that are in harmony with nature. It is very important to minimize the usage of additives for the food industry as well as the pesticides and fertilizers in the agriculture. Although this kind of production is very costly, the benefits to the consumers are very big. The consumers can have peace of mind because they use healthy products that are in accordance with the international standards. If the products are equipped with a green organic label, you can be sure that they are safe for use. People should think about the quality of life and the importance of health. Although the organic products are expensive at the moment, there will surely be more competitive brands on the market that will offer their products at a more reasonable price. We will wait for the results and there will surely be a significant increase in consumption of organic food worldwide. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The wind power will speed up our progress

The wind power is gaining a new momentum in the world and it is becoming a significant source of energy. The progress in wind power will definitely influence many fields of science and technology. We could expect that there will be many benefits from green energy that is obtained from wind turbines. The pollution will decrease and electricity will become available for the countries that are not rich in fossil fuels. Our carbon footprint will decrease because there will be less emissions of the greenhouse effect gasses. Therefore the benefits of the wind power will be clearly visible and our environment will be cleaner. Wind turbines will be optimized by usage of advanced ultrasonic anemometers and sensors. The advanced software can be successfully used to optimize the wind power plants and make them extremely effective and independent from the climate, geographical and regional influences. 

Save money, save energy and protect the environment

There are many ways to save energy at home and contribute to our environment. Saving energy is not that difficult, you just need to learn about the main key points. Many of the old appliances are not optimized for energy saving, but you don't need to worry. You could still save money without buying new green technology appliances. A few easy tricks can save money in your household. When you are using a washing machine, you can easily save electricity by choosing different washing programs. We are aware of the fact that some clothes need to be washed in warm water, but some other clothes could be easily washed in cold water. For example, your coats, sweaters, hats, t-shirts could easily be washed with cold water washing program. This will save electricity and money. If you put more clothes in washing machine and reduce the number of cycles, you could save electricity and water. When you cook, you should rather avoid using baking oven, since the electricity consumption is high. When using air conditioning, make sure that you adjust higher temperature in summer and lower temperature in winter. If you consume less resources and energy, you will surely protect the environment.

Trees by the road


How organic products will change our life in the future

Organic products are going to enter all of the spheres of our life and they will play an important role in our healthy living. We all know that many of the industrial products contain a lot of additive, dyes, fillers and other substances that could be harmful to our health. Organic products, on the other side, do not contain the harmful substances because they are produced in a natural way, without any dangerous chemicals. It is not easy to develop and maintain organic production processes and therefore the costs are still too high. However, in the future the things will change in favor of organic market. The scientists are working on new production processes that will significantly decrease the costs of organic production, with no influence on the quality of products. In agriculture, we could surely expect the development of highly specified regional variants of certain fruit and vegetables that are completely adapted to the specific climatic conditions of the regions. This will decrease the costs of organic food and increase their competitiveness on the market. However, the elite customers will still be ready to pay more for organic products, since they are healthy and delicious.  

Boat on the sea

The nature will be thankful to you if you use renewable energy

Renewable energy is friendlier to the nature because it does not create any pollution. In the future, people will use renewable energy in an economical way. Maybe it is difficult to use wind and solar power nowadays because these types of energy are highly depending on the weather conditions and regional characteristics. The usage of modern nanotechnologies will definitely change the future applications of green energy. We can expect many improvements as the solar panels will be smaller and more effective. This will make it convenient to use the solar panels everywhere you go. The wind energy will also be used everywhere and it will be optimized with usage of sophisticated anemometers and sensors. The nature will be thankful to us for using renewable energy and the environment conditions will significantly improve. 

Solar panels

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The organic living with various organic products – the pros and cons

The organic products have overwhelmed the market, but many customers are still reluctant to buy them because of the high prices. Organic products do not include only food, but there are also cosmetics, leather, paper, clothes and many other products. In order to approve one special product and make it organic, a company needs to undergo rigorous testing that ensures that it has production that meets the international standards for organic products. Therefore many companies fail to pass that test. Those companies that are able to reach those rigorous standards are not willing to sell their products at a low price. The production costs in those companies are very high and they want to reach elite customers. We could summarize and say that the pros of organic products are that they are healthy and sustainable; the cons are mainly related to high price and low number of companies that are really organic. In the future, the organic products will reach a new momentum, since there will be more people willing to pay higher prices for healthy products. When the demand is high, there will be an increasing number of companies that will emerge in the organic area. Everybody will benefit from the healthy products that do not contain any dangerous chemicals. 

Wind power overcomes many barriers and becomes a significant source of energy

Wind power is becoming an increasingly important energy source. Many of the barriers that prevented improvement of wind power generators have become insignificant. The future wind power generators will be highly effective because of the usage of sophisticated devices that increase their performance. Ultrasonic and high performance anemometers are able to detect and monitor the slightest changes in wind speed. The highly sensitive wind vanes can measure the slightest changes in wind direction. These fluctuations can be directly detected by the wind power generators and the changes can be used to optimize the wind turbines and move them in the desirable direction. This way it is possible to get the optimal power production in different seasons throughout the year. We could expect that there will be an increasing number of wind turbines in different regions of the world. Because of the increased sensibility and productivity of future wind power generators, this form of renewable energy will be a powerful force that will give momentum to future green technology application. 

Wind turbines

LED lights will mark the beginning of a new chapter in energy saving technologies

LED lights will surely lead to significant energy saving technologies. We could imagine how much energy is wasted because many of the inefficient incandescent, fluorescent, sodium and mercury lights are still used all over the world. The introduction of LED lighting in homes and businesses will bring revolution to energy saving efforts. Instead of buying big lights with a lot of power to achieve satisfactory illumination, we just need small LED lights for the same results. LED luminaries also do not need to be replaced very often and this leads to less waste. Time and money is saved because there is no need to buy new fixtures or change bulbs for a very long time. Energy saving will definitely start with LEDs and the results will be visible in the future. The new frontiers open for all the energy saving efforts. 

LED tubes

Monday, December 1, 2014

How to minimize your waste and maximize your energy saving

When governing a household, it is very important to minimize the household waste and maximize energy savings. Here are some tips on how to easily minimize waste and maximize savings. Every time you go to a supermarket, you should think about the amounts of packaged food that you purchase. Normally, you should always purchase bigger packaging or even bring you own boxes and bags and buy groceries by weight. The future supermarkets will surely pay attention to sell products directly and without packaging. 

You can maximize energy saving at home by switching to energy saving appliances. You could try to use LED lights instead of traditional fluorescent and incandescent lights. Getting high quality lighting will reduce your electricity bills significantly. You should also try to use washing machines, air conditioners and ovens with reduced energy consumption. This way you will not only save money, but you will protect environment as well. 

LED lamp

How to live in harmony with nature with renewable energy

Renewable energy can bring us closer to harmony with nature. The fossil fuels and nuclear energy are destroying the delicate balance in the nature by creating large amounts of pollution, radiation and other unnatural effects. The usage of renewable energy can bring us closer to nature by avoiding the release of dangerous pollutants. The wind,solar and geothermal energy need to undergo a lot of development, but the new solutions will surely come quickly. Therefore we can expect cheap and effective solar panels in the future that will be able to produce power under all of the weather conditions. The wind generators will enter our lives and we will use them every day for our daily electricity needs. If we manage to produce energy without polluting the nature, we will be closer to living in harmony with nature. 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Organic fruit and vegetables – necessity or luxury

The production of organic fruit and vegetables is becoming more and more popular in the world. People are talking about these new trends, but many of the consumers are still reluctant to regularly purchase organic food. The main problem is price, since organic fruit and vegetables could be up to ten times more expensive than the regular food. This is based on a fact that it costs more to produce food in natural way, without any pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Therefore, the future research in organic food will be in the direction of cost reduction. Where can we reduce the costs of organic food? We could choose the plants that are resistant to pests and they do not require fertilizers. We should learn to eat food that is not beautiful, but it is very healthy. We should change our habits when picking fruit and vegetables and we will see that the economic trends will change. Maybe the organic food is too expensive because there is not enough demand or not enough producers on the market. When there are many producers of food, then there is more competition. We could expect that organic food will decrease price in the future and it will not be a luxurious item any more. 

Farm and wind turbines

What could replace the oil and petrol in future cars?

Many attempts have been made to find an alternative for petrol. There are many variants, from using hydrogen, natural gas, methanol or other fuels. The most important obstacle is the price of these fuels as well as the price of the cars that can use them. Many scientists think that fuel can easily be obtained from the organic matter and crops. Some of the crops, such as maize and wheat can be used to extract oil and produce biodiesel. Sugar from the sugar canes is also a good solution. Methanol and ethanol that is produced from the fruit and vegetables can also be used as fuel for future vehicles. Now petrol is still abundant and there is no need to think about the new solutions, but for the future generations, it will be very important to use new and environmentally friendly alternatives to petrol. 

How to recycle materials and water in production processes?

Recycling materials and water in production processes can significantly decrease the quantity of waste that is produced every day. Depending on the production process, up to 90 percent of water can be recycled and brought back to the process. Water can be cleaned by special filters and divided into groups, according to their quality. The same goes for the waste material. During the production processes, such as cutting, molding, sawing and other mechanical operation, a lot of waste materials are produced. These materials can be reused and returned to production. Paper and leather industries are good examples of possible usage of recycling materials. Many of the other industries can follow the same example. The future factories will be designed in a way that makes them able to reuse or consume their waste and use it for production of energy. The energy from waste materials is cheaper and easier to use than the fossil fuels. 

Industrial object

How to develop our society in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way

The technology has brought us many benefits, but the results have been devastating to the nature. In the beginning of the industrial revolution, people were not aware of the damage that they are causing to the nature. The developing of environmentally friendly production processes has gained us many advantages. The future technologies should implement sustainable development, where there will be little or no waste produced by the factories. Although this goal is difficult to reach, there are many indicators that this trend will continue in the future. The factories are trying to optimize their production in order to minimize the waste. This can be obtained by recycling the waste and economizing the usage of the raw materials. Although it costs more to implement environmentally friendly processes, the results will surely give cleaner environment that is worth much more than all the savings in the polluting processes. 
